Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cider Days: Every Year I Pretend It's Not Hot

After church Sunday morning we walked down to Cider Days like we did last year when I was 8 months pregnant with Ruby to find something good to eat and pretend like the sweat dripping down our backs wasn't sweat at all and that the leaves will be turning colors any moment now. Brett and I have decided Cider Days needs to stop kidding themselves and move the date back at least one more week to give the weather a chance to actually feel like fall.

Despite the way humidity can wipe you out and induce crankiness in the most quiet of hearts, we enjoyed ourselves. We saw the first pumpkins of the season, said hello to the mini horses that are paraded around every year, people watched, found Sebastian's favorite cupcakes with red things on top (sorry, Emma), ran into people we knew...(not those guys below)...

...and had some more pie! I was thrilled when Brett pointed out the Pie Box booth and pretty much dragged Sebastian two tents down to get a slice of pecan. One of the girls working remembered Brett showing up on his scooter to pick up three pies on my birthday and the other knew about RVA so we had a good chat about pie and Pushing Daisies. If you're in or around Springfield you must try The Pie Box for the kind of pies your grandma makes at Thanksgiving. My mouth is literally watering even typing this!

Probably my favorite part was on our way out when we came across the cutest three year old and his little sister selling organic lemonade for $2 a cup. I heard his parents explaining to some friends that he was raising money to buy more Thomas trains. That sign was what got me.

We'll probably forget how miserably hot it felt being out in the mid-day sun with two little ones and go again next year because that's what you do to feel like a part of the community you live in. You go out and do stuff, and bump into each other, exchange stories, observe, enjoy, and sweat together. And then you remember how fun that was last year and want to do it all over again.
Ha! What did you do with yourself this weekend? Oh, and today made vintage dress #3! However, I may have decided not to change clothes before attacking a large spray painting project while everyone napped the afternoon away and may have gotten a little bit of white paint on the bottom and may have rolled my eyes at myself for not having been more careful. I'm not sure it'll come out so it's either a shorter hem to make it more of a tunic or something pretty sewn on to cover it up. We shall see.


Oh, and we ran into my midwife and her family on our way to the car and we hugged necks pretty tight. She is such a sweet woman and still so special to our family. I love that so many pregnant friends are using her!

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