Monday, November 1, 2010

We Aren't That Spooky

Halloween Instax

Our Halloween evening was short and sweet with two little ones that were too tired to rock-n-roll all night and a slightly sick mama that was just fine with turning in early. I spent most of the weekend between fevers and headaches and Brett took care of the kids so I could rest. Halloween afternoon rolled around and I was able to finish Ruby's Little Red Riding Hood cape and decided on my own costume as the wolf dressed as granny. That's when things started to get interesting.

Brett pulled me aside and told me he was an hour into his essay revisions for his online class and it was going to take him much longer than he thought to finish. I knew he was hoping I'd be the one to mention he stay home to work while I took the kids out and that we were both disappointed. I pouted a little but then remembered how much time he'd sacrificed all weekend watching the kids so I could rest, the five loads of laundry, the three loads of dishes, the trips to the grocery store, and taking Sebastian to church by himself that morning. He had taken good care of us so I needed to take care of him. Though, I did pout a little bit longer than I should've.

Spidey On The Lookout

I got Ruby dressed and left her to scoot around her room while I located her brother who suddenly didn't want to dress up AGAIN and go get MORE CANDY. He wanted to look for transformers online! And play transformers with his friend from across the street! And why couldn't he be BUMBLEBEE for Halloween! Because the fever inhibits my ability to make costumes appear out of thin air, son. Obviously.

We had Brett take photos and video of us in the front yard after I changed my costume from granny the wolf to The Woodsman. It was WAY more comfortable anyway, ya'll. We got packed into the car and I downed a small bag of M&M's while I pouted a little longer that I was hauling two small ones out into the night while wearing a moustache and a fever. (Maybe I should've been the H1N1 virus!)

We then drove to McDonald's ya'll, because in all the costume finishing, plan changing, pouty face frenzy, I had forgotten to feed my son. My son who then uncharacteristically threw his Happy Meal toy at my head while I was driving so I could open it for him. I called his toy stupid as I teared up at the state of our evening and soon we were both crying. Did I mention he missed his two hour nap?

We finally made it to the trunk-or-treat to meet up with our friends and hit up a neighborhood with plenty of candy and not too many kids to wait behind at the door. I got to see my friends' son and daughter experience Halloween for the first time (without missing a beat I might add) and enjoyed the comic relief that all of our kids provided as they raced back from each door to show us their buckets.

Spiderman, declared he was worn out before I did so I took that opportunity to head home, count our candy, and tell Brett what he'd missed. Thankfully he was able to see all the photos before we tried uploading them later that night because most of them managed to get deleted en route. Yes, the perfect ending to the evening. My Instax 210 saved the day, though, so Ruby will someday have proof that her first Halloween actually happened.

At the end of the day I got my costume photo, Sebastian got to see his friends, and Brett finished his paper with about 30 minutes to spare. It could've been worse.

I'd love to hear how your Halloween went! Do share...


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