Meet the Anderson family. They are in the last stages of adopting a little girl into their family of six and are eagerly awaiting the day she is brought home.
Emily and another friend have organized an exciting fundraiser/giveaway to help raise the rest of the money they need to complete the adoption with donations from a ton of online shops. They've been gathered into five different bundles based on a specific theme. The bundles are valued between $350-$550! I'll send you to
Emily's blog to review the details.
All photos belong to Emily Anderson.
The Accessory Bundle

The Craft/Hobby Bundle

The Girl Bundle

The Home Decor Bundle

The Boy Bundle

The giveaway is going on until Sunday night, Oct. 17th so you have until then to have your name entered to win one of five bundles of donated goodness. If you've been stalking the RVA shop for chalkboard thought bubbles that are currently sold out this is your chance to win one! The Craft/Hobby and Home Decor bundles each include one. Go check out all the goodies and leave
Emily and her family some encouragement along the way!
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