Those of you who read regularly know Brett has been away at LTC (ARMY ROTC camp) for almost a month now and I've been holding down the fort in the meantime. Staying busy with online class projects was a nice distraction as we adjusted to not having him around and then there were two breaks with both sides of the family. However, about 2/3 of the way through I felt exhaustion set in. I hadn't been taking care of myself because I was trying to maintain online work even though nap times weren't happening and Ruby's sleep habits were suddenly becoming a thing of the past. I was regularly losing my patience with my son who was already trying to deal with his daddy being gone and a tired, cranky mama who always seemed to need to hold his fussy sister.
We made it to Oklahoma that night and I got to sleep in with Ruby the next morning while my granddad played trains with Sebastian. I discovered after breakfast that my computer charger had kicked the bucket and my computer had run down so that it wouldn't even turn on. That afternoon I went out to my car to run an errand and it wouldn't start. That evening, Sebastian started running a fever. Yet, what could've been the breaking point to an already long week was manageable thanks to my family who each helped in different ways so that those three mini crises weren't major crises. I am blessed and I know they all prayed hard that we'd make it back home without getting stuck somewhere on the turnpike!
Brett will be back with us late Saturday evening and all of those hard days will be over for awhile. His absence has really made me appreciate the weight of his role in our family and the part he plays in my life as my husband and partner. To say I'm looking forward to him being home is an understatement.
Thanks for your encouragement through this month and your patience with those last few days of no posting. I'm so thankful for this place.
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