Dorm rooms and college furnished apartments can be the pits but you don't have to let those cinder block walls get you down.
Etsy has (mostly) all you need to turn your humble abode into the most interesting place on the hall. I recommend finding
one of these and stocking up on good vinyl for starters.

Invest in a pretty alarm clock because you don't want to be
late for Western Civilization.

I don't recommend using your typewriter to write your term paper. I do recommend displaying one
on your desk. I'm a little bit in love with this one.

You can practice your French
with these vintage books or just set them up in your new dorm for instant style.

I love this olive weekender as a
school bag.

this for English 101.

You can't go wrong
in plaid.

the classroom.

And be sure to have some wares in your dorm for a last minute
picnic on the floor or an impromptu hall party.
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