Hi Girls!! First I have to say thanks to Tootsie for hosting
Fertilizer Friday and for allowing us to recycle pictures from last summer. This does my heart well because...you know...it's not really pretty here right now.

How much do I love crepe myrtles? Just can't even begin to measure it. I remember sitting in class in high school and looking out at the crepe myrtles that were as big as the two story houses. Ours don't get quite that big here because the winter is colder. However, they are beautiful!

This was planting day for that little basket. She was happy all summer!

Pentas - another favorite of mine. They stay happy all the way through fall.

Now this picture is one of my faves for sure - oak leaf hydrangeas.

Katie was soaking up the sun. She follows me every where in the yard. Just wish she could carry a pile of leaves out when I need her to.

Yes, it's my porch basket again. It's in the garage right now. I've never tried to save the plants before. Hope it works.

This basket was from the pond tour. The lady planted it with miniature plants. Isn't it pretty?

This is on the pond tour also. The people had a small lot but made every inch of it beautiful.
That's it for me today. I hope you all have a nice weekend.
Remember, Spring will come!!
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