Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ruby's Pony Party

Ruby's First Birthday

If Ruby could talk she'd tell you the cupcakes were delicious and the wrapping paper was right up her alley. She wore a dress I bought for her when she was only two months old because I loved it so much and the red velvet shoes that I had when I was her age! They were the perfect party shoes and I'm so glad my mom saved them.

The Decor

The pony party theme was mainly inspired by some beautiful vintage horse ribbons I've seen here and used in a Dwell Studio photo (source no longer available). I loved the pink, peach, yellow, cream color scheme for Ruby's party and was thrilled to be able to use mostly supplies I had on hand. I did purchase satin ribbon from FM Store and found the vinyl doily tablecloth at a flea market for $2 a couple of days before the party. The larger toy horses were from my collection when I was little. My parents were sweet to bring them with them for the party and now Ruby can play with them!

The Decor

I used this tutorial to make a satin ribbon but then got impatient and decided to use felt for the next two. Originally, I was going to make a garland with a ton of ribbons clustered on each end but ran out of time and went with what I'd finished. I hung them with straight pins on the table cloth and draped the extra satin ribbons between them.

Our Sweets

I had a blue vintage USA platter and fun mid-century platter with pink and yellow designs on it that we used for the mini cupcakes and white chocolate dipped pretzels that were catered by Emma from the Red Velvet Sweet Shoppe. The black cake stand is from Hobby Lobby, the pink bowl is from Anthropologie, and the blue one is vintage. We used leftover napkins, forks, and cupcake cups from Sebastian's party and our vintage amber glasses and thrifted white dessert plates for serving our treats.

Ruby's Birthday Party

I'll be able to reuse the table cloth and might keep the felt ribbons up as decoration in Ruby's wardrobe. If you're going to make your own...give yourself some time! ;)

Our Fall Baby
photo by Elsie

Elsie took Ruby's first portrait at six days old and we used this vintage floral sheet as the back drop. I thought it would be fun to use it in her first party decorations and take a photo of her in front of it at every birthday party! I can imagine looking through years of birthday photos and always spotting the yellow floral sheet!

Ruby's First Birthday Party

Ruby's First Birthday Party

Ruby loved all of her presents but enjoyed ripping the wrapping paper off the most. Sebastian helped her with the biggest box and then continued to open the rest of her presents for her while she played with the box. I've got the cutest video of it and someday hope to figure out how to load it online!

Ruby's First Birthday

Ruby loved all of the attention and held on especially tight to her handmade doll from The Rice Babies! More on that later this week.

Ruby's First Birthday

Ruby and My Parents

It was a memorable event and I hope Ruby looks back and feels celebrated on her first birthday!

The Bib Post-Cupcake

I'm happy to say the bib did it's job and then survived the washing machine! I think it might go in a keepsake box so Ruby can have something of her own to share with her baby girl someday.

Thanks to everyone who shared birthday wishes online and for all of the sweet gifts and cards and phone calls from family members! I think I'm going to blink and we'll be celebrating her sweet 16! AAAAAAGHHHH!!


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