I've been wanting this particular needlework design for awhile and have had my eye on a $68 framed one in town for over a year. One day Elsie and I were talking about the 'God Bless Our Pad' needlework and how I wasn't really as into it as I thought I'd be color wise and asked her if she wanted it. She said she'd trade me for this other large needlework she had...and it turned out to be this one!!! We were both over the moon!
My birthday present from my brother came in the mail today! The new Fuji Instax Wide was on back order so I've been waiting patiently but used up the first pack of film within ten minutes. I was trying to feel it out and see how it handled. I may be in love.
Sebastian got in on the action and shot the photo of his new dinosaur. I came into the room later in the evening and he had my camera out trying to take a picture but I had purposely not loaded the next pack of film. I know my son. We had a little talk about Mommy's new toy and that he always had to ask before taking a photo and the difference between this camera and the digital ones he's used to. Yikes!
Lots of fun.
I'm looking forward to playing around with it and incorporating them into some art journaling. I think Elsie and Holly have an Instax and I've been gifted a photo or two at some point.
I'm eager to hear how you feel about yours if you've got one and maybe a link to your favorite photo? That'd be nice. I'm probably going to have to start a change jar for my next round of film. Even though it's cheaper than Polaroid film it's still hard to fork it over after being spoiled with a digital camera for so long. Thanks, Joe! It was such a fun surprise!! ;)
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