Saturday morning meant a trip to the farmer's market at the mall and a huge church sale with my friend, Katy. We don't get to go as often as we like but we usually fit in one Saturday morning a month, kids in tow, and hit up a few yard sales. If those fail us we go to a few tried and true thrift stores. This morning, however, I hit the jackpot.

The Immaculate Conception church in Springfield was having it's annual Father's Day weekend church sale. It was day two so I wasn't expecting to find anything extraordinary but then I saw this little beauty. I checked it manually and it was running smoothly and then checked the price. $10.00 with a note saying it worked well. I was sold.

It's quite charming in it's original table and has a worn spot where the previous owner used to rest her arm, I imagine. It's funny because I was just admiring a similarly beautiful vintage sewing machine
in red yesterday on Flickr. I'm eager to get it cleaned up and try it out soon!

I also picked up some rhubarb to try this
rhubarb soda recipe. We'll see how that goes. I've never had rhubarb before in my life but I always think of Garrison Keeler.

Elsie and I went to a new thrift store earlier this week where I found the original iPod. It plays Frere Jacques and is the prettiest shade of teal. I don't remember having one of my own when I was a kid but our church nursery or somewhere else must've had one. It says 1966 on it. Ruby is actually chewing on it right now (don't worry I cleaned it. a little.)

I also found this vintage first aid kit. It's full of original guaze, ammonia, and tape as well as a few newer items that look to be about 10-20 years old.

I'm not sure if I'll fill it with our own first aid stuff or use it as a storage box in my studio but it's a fantastic little treasure.

Have you scored anything exciting lately?
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