Ruby surprised me on Sunday afternoon with a sharp spot on her gum line. I got so excited that I think I surprised her and yelled for the boys to come look. I checked my old journal for when Sebastian got his first tooth and his was December 22nd, 2007 when he was six months old. Hers just happened to come in on the 23rd of this month. I remember his second tooth following soon after his first but I didn't write down the rest. Needless to say, I hope this provides us all a well deserved break in the teething schedule.

Being six months old is a big deal because someone is also sitting up all by herself. We still have to keep a blanket behind her in case she reaches for a toy and ends up face down on the hard floor but she loves her new birds eye view! If only we could push pause and enjoy this stage for awhile longer before the crawling begins...
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