Please visit Chari at Happy to Design and her friends as we celebrate the One Year Anniversary of Sunday Favorites. :)

Look at who we met on the street yesterday!!
I know the picture is tiny but I don't know how to make it bigger.
Paul and I were walking down the street and coming towards us was
Jamie Deen!!
Any time in my life that I've ever seen a celebrity I just look a little and keep walking. Yesterday I couldn't help myself. Nobody else was around and he was walking 10 inches away!!
I said, "I just have to say HI!" He said, "Oh hey hon, how ya doing?"
Now I've told you my husband doesn't see that great? He thought we were seeing a friend or something. He was going to start talking.
I said, "We ate at your restaurant yesterday and it was wonderful." Now at this time I'm having a heart attack because I touched him on the arm. I'm thinking he's probably wanting to call the police about this stalker.
I started walking away but Jamie was friendly and was talking to Paul a little.
As soon as we walked away I said, "You know I will have to blog about this!"
So my friends, now you have heard all about my brush with fame!!
Now we are off to get in line at The Lady & Sons again. Be back in a few days. :)
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